Here is my demonstration video showing how you can simply use 3 ingredients you already have at home to create Udon. It’s great at times when you find yourself out of instant noodles but needed to come up something.
A brief intro: Udon noodle is a thick wheat-based noodle that is very dense with a soft texture. It is usually served in a light broth as a noodle soup. They can also be made into a noodle stir-fry or served cold with a dipping sauce.

Cooking instruction:
Bring a large pot of water to boil, cook udon noodles for 3-5 minutes until udons become semitransparent.

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Make 2 servings – 2 人份量

300 grams all-purpose flour
150 ml cold water
30 ml warm water
6 grams (1 teaspoon) salt

中筋麵粉 300 克
水 150 毫升
暖水 30 毫升
鹽 6 克 (1 茶匙)

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