Today I show you how to make Shoyu tare and Sesame tare, both are vegan sauces to accompany Udon noodles or any other noodles. I’m a noodle lover and love making sauces to go with and created these recipes with natural vegan ingredients.
市販のタレではなく、自分で作ったタレで麺を食べると更に美味しく食べられます!是非このベジタリアンのタレレシピを試してみて下さい 😊 ❤️How to make Mentsuyu – Shoyu tare sauce – vegetarian
2 cups of water (500 ml)
1 cup of Tamari o Soy sauce (250 ml)
¼ cup of white wine (85ml)
2 Tbsps of brown sugar
Dried shiitake

1. Pour 1 cup of water, 1 cup of Tamari and 1 Tbsps of brown sugar into a sauce pan and bring to a boil with low heat. Once it’s boiled, turn off the heat and take impurities out
2. Then add ¼ cup of white wine, 1 cup of water, dried shiitake and konbu and again bring to boil with low heat and once it’s boiled, then cool it down and keep it as it is in the fridge overnight.
3. Take shiitake and konbu out and keep it in an air-tight container in the fridge. It will last for about 1-2 weeks.

How to make Sesame tare sauce – vegetarian
2 Tbsps of Tahin
Soy milk 160ml
1 Tbsp of vinegar (any vinegar is ok)
2 Tbsps of soy sauce or tamari
A pinch of black pepper
⅛ Tsps of Cayenne pepper (optional)

Mix well all ingredients together with a hand mixer or grinder and keep it in the fridge and serve it cold.

Boil Udon noodles with plenty of water, once it’s cooked, cool them down under cold running water. Drain the excess water well and transfer to a plate.
Pour Shoyu and Sesame tare into small bowls and dipp the noodles and ENJOY !!!

Grated gingers
Chopped chives
Chopped spring onions
Sesame oil o Ra-yu
Lemon juice


めんつゆ (ベジタリアン)

水 2 cups (500 ml)
醤油またたまり醤油 1 cup (250 ml)
白ワイン ¼ cup (85ml)
黒糖 大さじ 2

1 お水1カップ、たまり醤油とお砂糖を鍋に入れて弱火で一煮立ちさせ、あくをとります。
2 残りの水、ワイン、乾燥椎茸と昆布を加えて、もう一煮立てします。
3 一晩置いてからこして、保存します。冷蔵庫で1−2週間保存できます。


胡麻ペースト 大さじ2
豆乳 160 ml
お酢 大さじ1
醤油またはたまり醤油 大さじ2
胡椒 少々
カイエンペッパー 少々




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