

[ Chohachibo Yatsugatake, Yamanashi Prefecture, Nagasaka, Kai Oizumi, Kobuchisawa, a delicious udon restaurant that you will want to eat again. ]

There is no complaint about “soba”, but there are udon noodles that you will definitely want to eat if you do it. That is the udon noodles from Chohachibo. The budget is about 600 to 2,000 yen per person. The menu and map are at the end of the video.
[Chohachibo] https://bit.ly/30hG0ig

“If you’re doing it” is because it’s a popular restaurant that sells out only 60 meals a day.
It will disappear in a blink of an eye, so you should be lucky if you do it and enter without hesitation.
The recommendation is to eat it with “tempura”.

