hello! Hi everyone! Wesley here. Today we’re diving back into our series dedicated to actually decent vegetarian recipes with another addition to our ever growing list of variations on a sesame noodle, with a a shot at a cold soba noodle. For those unfamiliar, soba noodles are made of buckwheat flour (hence their beautifully gray-ish hue). Soba originates from Korean and Japanese cuisine, and are often classically served cold, with very simple sides. In our case today, that’s gonna be a bit of miso and sesame paste, but you may also see it served with even simpler seasonings, like soy sauce, mirin, or dashi broth.

For the lazy (or for that matter, those short on time) you can absolutely serve this dish as is, literally just cold noodles plus sauce. But for our version today though, I thought I’d take this opportunity to have some fun with one of my favorite root veggies, which is the daikon radish. Some may recall the sweet and savory neon yellow pickled daikon that we’ve used in many dishes now. For today though, we’re gonna be slicing these up into razor thin slivers, and then doing a quick pickle to these bad boys in some rice vinegar, mirin, and sake for a crisp and sweet addition to our noodles. Hope you try it.

Full Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIXW_ujAoRc

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