
店  名 晦庵 河道屋 本店(みそかあんかわみちや)
住  所 京都府京都市中京区麩屋町通三条上ル下白山町295
営業時間 11:00~20:00(L.O.19:40)
定 休 日 木曜(祝日の場合は前後に振替)
電  話 075-221-2525
交  通 地下鉄東西線京都市役所前駅から徒歩5分
◆京都◆絶対行きたいグルメランキング https://bit.ly/kyoto-taisetsunahito

[ Touan Kawamichiya [Kyoto Prefecture, in front of Kyoto City Hall] Recommended soba noodles in Kyoto where you want to go on a date! If you want to go with someone special, this is the place! (Japanese food, hideaway, well-known store, detached house, long-established store) ]

A long-established soba restaurant in Kyoto that was frequented by David Bowie, who loved Kyoto, and was also loved by Steve Jobs and director Akira Kurosawa.
We would like you to experience the good points of a soba restaurant in the town and the soba of Souan Kawamichiya, which continues to preserve tradition. Budget around ¥1,000 to ¥8,000 per person for lunch and dinner. The menu and map (access map) are at the end of the video!


#晦庵河道屋 #蕎麦 #京都市役所前 #京都 #京都御所
#そば #和食 #デート #記念日
#大切な日 #大切な人 #クリスマス #誕生日 #京都観光
#kyoto #misokaankawamitiya #japanesefood #soba
#デヴィドボウイ #スティーブジョブズ #黒澤明 #坂本龍一