She has been a street vendor for 53 years and is now 80 years old.
She has been a fisherman in Urayasu for generations and has helped sell clams since he was a child.
She has been a fisherman in Urayasu for generations and has been helping to sell asari since he was a child.
She opened his own restaurant in Sunamachi about 20 years ago, and his asari-meshi (rice with asari) and other products using asari became popular.
She was selected as one of the “Solo no Gourmet” (Gourmet of Solitude) in 2012.

<Popular Products> Asari-meshi (Asari rice), Asari-korokke (croquette)

Name of restaurant
TEL: 090-3545-8395
Address: 4-25-5 Kitasuna, Koto-ku, Tokyo
Access:1,157m from Oshima Station
Business hours:11:00-19:00 (11:00-21:00) for short hours
Closed:Open on Sundays
Parking: No
Counter seating available

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