This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
List of Japanese dishes

00:00:38 1 Rice dishes (spanspanご飯物
00:03:05 1.1 Rice porridge (spanspanお粥
00:03:55 1.2 Rice bowls (spanspanどんぶり
00:04:48 1.3 Sushi (spanspan寿司
00:06:38 2 Other staples
00:06:47 2.1 Noodles (imen-rui/i, spanspan麺類
00:09:10 2.2 Bread (ipan/i, spanspanパン
00:10:12 3 Common Japanese main and side dishes (okazu, spanspanおかず
00:10:28 3.1 Deep-fried dishes (iagemono/i, spanspan揚げ物
00:11:38 3.2 Grilled and pan-fried dishes (iyakimono/i, spanspan焼き物
00:13:53 3.3 Nabemono (one pot cooking, spanspan鍋物
00:15:17 3.4 Nimono (stewed dishes, spanspan煮物
00:16:23 3.5 Itamemono (stir-fried dishes, spanspan炒め物
00:17:12 3.6 Sashimi (spanspan刺身
00:18:40 3.7 Soups (isuimono/i (spanspan吸い物
00:19:40 3.8 Pickled or salted foods (tsukemono, spanspan漬け物
00:20:51 3.9 Miscellaneous (spanspan惣菜
00:22:42 3.10 Chinmi (spanspan珍味
00:23:40 4 Sweets and snacks (iokashi/i (spanspanおかし
00:24:02 4.1 Japanese-style sweets (iwagashi/i, spanspan和菓子
00:25:37 4.2 Old-fashioned Japanese-style sweets (idagashi/i, spanspan駄菓子
00:26:02 4.3 Western-style sweets (iyōgashi/i, spanspan洋菓子
00:26:32 4.4 Sweets bread (ikashi pan/i, spanspan菓子パン
00:27:03 4.5 Other snacks
00:27:42 5 Tea and other drinks
00:27:52 5.1 Tea and non-alcoholic beverages
00:29:21 5.1.1 Soft drinks
00:29:43 6 Alcoholic beverages
00:30:54 7 Imported and adapted foods
00:31:16 7.1 Foods imported from Portugal in the 16th century
00:31:53 7.2 Yōshoku
00:35:23 7.3 Other homegrown cuisine of foreign origin
00:36:38 7.4 Adaptations
00:36:56 8 Seasonings
00:39:03 9 See also

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“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”
– Socrates

Below is a list of dishes found in Japanese cuisine. Apart from rice, staples in Japanese cuisine include noodles, such as soba and udon. Japan has many simmered dishes such as fish products in broth called oden, or beef in sukiyaki and nikujaga. Foreign food, in particular Chinese food in the form of noodles in soup called ramen and fried dumplings, gyoza, and western food such as curry and hamburger steaks are commonly found in Japan. Historically, the Japanese shunned meat, but with the modernization of Japan in the 1860s, meat-based dishes such as tonkatsu became more common.