In a hot summer in Japan of course it is time for Somen. Ingredients are very close to udon. We eat them cold. Hot works too but they are thin so they’s soften quickly. Please enjoy them too!

Check our recipes on the website :

Ingredients for 600g (for 5 to 6 people) :
– 516g cake flour or plain flour
– 76g tapioca flour
– 8g gluten
– 204ml water
– 5g fine salt

Ingredients for 500g (for 4 to 5 people) :
– 430g cake flour or plain flour
– 64g tapioca flour
– 6g gluten
– 170ml water
– 4g fine salt

Ingredients for 400g (for 3 to 4 people) :
– 345g cake flour or plain flour
– 50g tapioca flour
– 5g gluten
– 136ml water
– 3.5g fine salt

Ingredients for 300g (for 3 people) :
– 258g cake flour or plain flour
– 38g tapioca flour
– 4g gluten
– 102ml water
– 2.5g fine salt

Ingredients for 250g (for 2 to 3 people) :
– 215g cake flour or plain flour
– 32g tapioca flour
– 3g gluten
– 85ml water
– 2g fine salt