今週の動画は、ベジタリアンピザです! チーズがない分、野菜の味がダイレクトに味わえるのでとても美味しいですよ。 トマトピューレも、やや水っぽくなりますが手軽に手に入れられるトマト缶を使えばあっという間に作れます。 ピザ生地は一次発酵が終わった段階で密封して冷蔵庫に入れておけば1週間くらいは持ちますので、一度にたくさん生地を作ってその週はピザウィーク!なんていうのも面白そうですね♪

【材料 直径30cm2枚分】

薄力粉 150g
強力粉 150g
オリーブオイル 10g
水 120g
イースト 3g
ぬるま湯 50g
砂糖 3g
塩 3g

ホールトマト缶 150g
にんにく 一片
オリーブオイル 10g
塩 3g

じゃがいも 200g
マッシュルーム 4個
トマト 200g
餅 2つ
オリーブオイル 10g
バジル 4〜5枚


【VEGGIE DISHES(ベジーディッシーズ)とは?】

◆VEGGIE DISHESの他のレシピはこちらから!
◆Peaceful Cuisine HP → http://www.peacefulcuisine.com
◆Peaceful Cuisine Youtube Channel→ https://www.youtube.com/user/ryoya1983
◆ Facebook → https://www.facebook.com/peacefulcuisine.ryoya
◆ Instagram → http://instagram.com/peaceful_cuisine/

This week’s video is “vegan pizza”. Have you ever made vegan pizza before? If not, here is a recipe for you. If you couldn’t find mochi at your area, just skip adding mochi. Pizza itself without mochi is simply deliciouss. I hope you enjoy my recipe 🙂

【INGREDIENTS makes 2 12inch pizza】

for the dough:
300g all purpose flour
10g olive oil
3g dried yeast
50g warm water
120g water
3g salt
3g sugar

for the tomato sauce:
150g whole canned tomatoes
10g olive oil
1 garlic
3g salt

200g potatoes
4 mushrooms
200g tomatoes
2 pieces mochi
10g olive oil
fresh basil leaves

1. Mix all the ingredients of the dough, knead well and let it ferment until it doubles in volume.
2. Blend all the ingredients of the tomato sauce.
3. Roll out the dough and put tomato sauce and vegetables, then bake at 440F / 10minutes.
4. Garnish with fresh basil.

A program that shows you vegan & organic food. Vegan is cooking without any animal products uses only plant based food. I also use organic food which are grown without any pesticide, herbicide and chemical fertilizer. I will show you recipes which you can’t think it’s made of only plant foods and surprisingly delicious!

◆uploading a new video on EVERY MONDAY.
◆ check out other VEGGIE DISHES Videos! →http://goo.gl/cD6m4O
◆Peaceful Cuisine HP → http://www.peacefulcuisine.com
◆Peaceful Cuisine Youtube Channel→ https://www.youtube.com/user/ryoya1983
◆ Facebook → https://www.facebook.com/peacefulcuisine.ryoya
◆ Instagram → http://instagram.com/peaceful_cuisine/

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