



《材料   4人分》
aパプリカ     4個
a玉ねぎ      1個
aにんにく     1かけ
a塩        小さじ1〜1と1/2
b塩        2つまみ
bオリーブオイル  適量 
・ズッキーニ    1本
・パスタ(フェデリーニ)  適量
・パセリ      適量
・オリーブオイル 適量     
・塩        適量
・胡椒       適量
<仕上げ>オリーブオイル  大さじ2


曲:Last Days of Summer

◆心と地球の食べ物 ayano blogはこちら
→ https://hearthvege.wordpress.com

「Vegan Kitchen」とは

スゴ得 ビデリシャス-おいしい動画-

This week’s recipe is cold pasta with paprika.
This is a simple recipe. Bake paprika in an oven and mix with fried onion in a food processor till it turns into a paste.
You can keep it either bt freezing or refrigerate it.
Arrange the recipe by adding any herb you like and turn into a paste.

Sauce can be used not only for cold pasta but also for hot pasta and stir-fried meat with mixed vegetables.

[Ingredients] for 4 servings
a. Paprika: 4
a. Onion: 1
a. Garlic: 1
a. Salt: 1 〜 1.5 teaspoon
b. Salt: 2 pinches
b. Olive oil: a proper amount
・ Zucchini: 1
・ Pasta (Fedelini): a proper amount
・ Parsley: a proper amount
・ Olive oil: a proper amount
・ Salt: a proper amount
・ Pepper: a proper amount
<Finishing> Olive oil: 2 tablespoon

[How to make]
1. Cut paprika in half and remove its seeds.
2. Pre-heat an oven at 240 degree Celsius.
3. Arrange paprika on a plate and sprinkle olive oil and a pinch of salt. Turn it over and sprinkle another pinch of salt and bake 30〜40 minutes till the surface is slightly burnt.
4. Slice garlic and onion, and cook them in a pan with olive oil till beautifully browned.
5. Put step 3, step 4 and salt (ingredient “a”) in a processor and mix till it turns into a paste.
6. Cut zucchini in bite-sized and cook it with olive oil. Seasoning with two pinches of salt and pepper.
7. Boil pasta.
8. Mix step 5, step 6 and step 7 together in a bowl. Pour olive oil and mix more. Decorate it on a plate.
9. Sprinkle parsley at last.

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