『てぬキッチンのブログ』⇒ http://www.tenukitchen.com/entry/2018/06/29/135928


冷凍うどん 1個
万能ネギ 1束
ニラ 1束
刻み海苔 適量
かつお節 一袋
卵黄 1個
豚ひき肉 100g
☆しょうゆ 大さじ1
☆みりん 大さじ1
☆ウェイパー 小さじ1/2
☆豆板醤 小さじ1
☆にんにく 小さじ1/2
◎しょうゆ 大さじ1
◎めんつゆ 大さじ1
◎ごま油 大さじ1


【Hanabi’s Taiwanese style noodles】
Do you know the hot udon noodles originating in Nagoya “Taiwan Mashobaze”?
Mixing is more delicious and more delicious, and because it is too tasty, Taiwanese Mashoba is delicious enough to be said as “dangerous if mixed”, but the shop called “Noodle Shop NANABI” is the original.
When I try to eat, the fragrance of green onion, leek and garlic comes first, and then the taste of bonito and the fragrance of seaweed are chasing over. Rich and exquisite taste! Once eaten, it became completely tricky at the moment of eating a bite.
So, I thought that I could easily make this delicious taste at home, I tried making it with various arrangements.
Easy to use noodles with frozen udon, mince also in range to make it fast.
The punch is effective with the gutsuri stamina taste, and the deliciousness of each ingredient entangled and it does not stop, it is delicious.
Even at home it is easy to mess up with that strongest noodle shop so you can eat Taiwanese Mashoba in a windy style, so it is a recommended recipe that you want to make sure by all means!

1 frozen udon
One green onions
One bunch chives
Seasoned nori
Bonito bag
1 egg yolk
100g ground pork
☆1 tbsp soy sauce
☆1 tbsp mirin
☆1/2 tsp of a wiper
☆1 tsp Doubanjiang
☆1/2 tsp of garlic
◎1 tbsp soy sauce
◎1 tbsp noodles
◎1 tbsp sesame oil

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