



・玄米麺        110g

・出し殻の干し椎茸      1つ 
・出し殻の切り干し大根    6g     
・ネギ        1/4本
・くるみ       30g
・生姜        半かけ
・にんにく      1かけ
・醤油        大さじ1/2
・みそ        大さじ1
・みりん       大さじ1と1/2
・ゴマ油       適量

・だし汁        200g
・水           370g
・白練りごま      55g
・ごま油        大さじ1/2
・醤油          大さじ1
・味噌         大さじ1
・きび砂糖       小さじ1
・塩           小さじ1/2
・ラー油        適量
・貝割れ大根   適量


曲:Greeting the day


This week’s recipe is Dandan noodle.
It was primarily known as noodle without soup in China.
It is believed that Dandan noodle with soup was arranged for people in Japan.

A main ingredient, made from walnuts and vegetables, is for topping that becomes an accent when you eat noodle with soup, rather than for a meat-like seasoning.
Soup stock is made from dried radish and dried shiitake. You would be able to eat instantly if you had noodle, as soup can be cooked easily.

[Ingredients for topping] one serving
・ Dried shiitake (stock leavings): 1
・ Dried radish (stock leavings): 6g
・ Green onion: 1/4
・ Walnuts: 30g
・ Ginger: a half
・ Garlic: 1 piece
・ Soy sauce: 1/2 teaspoon
・ Miso: 1 teaspoon
・ Sweet sake: 1.5 teaspoon
・ Sesame oil: a proper amount

[Ingredients for soup] one serving
・ Stock liquid: 570g
(Made from 6g of dried radish and a dried shiitake)
・ Sesame paste: 55g
・ Sesame oil: 1/2 teaspoon
・ Soy sauce: 1 teaspoon
・ Miso: 1 teaspoon
・ Millet sugar: 1 tablespoon
・ Salt: 1/2 tablespoon
・ Chili oil: a proper amount
・ Radish sprouts: a proper amount

[How to cook]
1. Put dried radish and dried shiitake in 200g of water and simmer over a low heat for 5 minutes. Or, infusing in cold water all the night through.
2. Once simmered well, remove stock leavings.
3. Because you had boiled water in step 1 and its quantity has decreased, add water until 570g and warm up.
4. Swish water off from radish and shiitake, and cut into fine pieces.
5. Cut green onion, walnuts, ginger and garlic into fine pieces.
6. Put sesame oil, all ingredients from step 4 and step 5 into a hot pan.
7. Add sweet sake, soy sauce and miso to taste it.
8. Put sesame paste, sesame oil, soy sauce, miso, millet sugar and salt in the noodle bowl.
9. Pour hot soup stock from step 3 into step 8 to dissolve the paste.
10. Once it dissolved, pour the rest of the soup stock into the bowl.
11. Put boiled noodle, ingredients for toppings and radish sprouts on top. Pour chili oil at last.